Many improvements have been made in the functionality, effectiveness and comfort of braces in recent years. That being said, there are occasionally still problems with individual appliances. These problems could include broken brackets or wires, loose bands or brackets or wires sticking out.
If you experience a problem with your braces, you may need to come in immediately for repairs or adjustments. Other times, our skilled staff can instruct you on how to repair it yourself, or you can wait for the next appointment. Which option we take will primarily depend on whether you are experiencing discomfort, and whether the problem interferes with your treatment plan. If neither of those things are happening, your doctor may hold off on treatment until your next appointment.
After the damage has occurred, call our office immediately, as some orthodontics problems can interfere with treatment. This is especially important if the damage done was due to injury. If you were hurt or injured in any way and that’s what caused the damage, it is vital that you seek help promptly. Dr. Scott Healey will let you know what immediate action needs to be taken. It may be that the problem can wait until the next appointment, but it is important to check.
No matter what course of action our team needs to take to repair the problem, be it adjusting, re-attaching, repositioning or replacing wires or brackets, it will take time. Please call the office before your appointment to explain the situation, so that we schedule enough time to fix the problem.
If you have damaged your braces and you are in the Lindon, Utah area, call Scott M. Healey Dentistry to talk with Dr. Scott Healey about your personalized treatment options, and to schedule an appointment with our team.